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Ronald D. Ray Library of American History begins to take shape
Colonel Ronald Dudley Ray, USMC (Ret.) was a highly decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, an attorney, a loving father, a devoted husband and a life-long reader. His library was organized according to periods of history and books lined the walls of the Crestwood, Kentucky farmhouse, where we lived and worked for over 40 years. The collection focuses on the miracle of America and its founding history, a history disappearing from the internet and those who click to research.
It is our duty to leave our children and grandchildren the necessary information tools they will need to continue to protect and preserve America’s freedoms so many have previously fought and sacrificed to uphold. Kentucky Architect John Stewart learned of the library project and volunteered his nearly three decades of work experience and his talented team of professionals to concept and design “The Colonel Ronald D. Ray Library of American History.” At the end of my 40 years of working alongside the Colonel and then carrying on by securing his book collection would be a fitting tribute to all those whose lives are dedicated living lives to advancing the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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