American History Restoration Project Archives
KRS 158.195. Reading and posting in public schools of texts and documents on American history and heritage. Download the text – KRS 158.195.pdf
SJR 57. A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to the display of historic documents that include a depiction of the Ten Commandments. Download the text – KY Senate Joint Resolution No. 57
Code Section 37.13.163. Posting or reading of historical documents with religious references; display of motto “In God We Trust”. Download the text – Mississippi 37.13.163
Title 49-6-1011. Historical documents, writings and records — Use in classrooms — Censorship prohibited. Download the text – Tennessee 49.6.1011
Code Section 53A-13-101.1. Maintaining constitutional freedom in the public schools. Download the text – Utah Code 53A-13-101.1
Veterans Day observance in Kentucky public schools. Download the text – KRS 158.075
Kentucky law requires all public schools to include as part of their curriculum the observance of Veterans Day. KRS 158.075 mandates that one entire class period be set aside to teach the meaning of Veterans Day to school assemblies, using a teacher working in close conjunction with a veteran. This requirement must be fulfilled either on Veterans Day if the school schedule permits, or during one of the five school days preceding Veterans Day. Every school is encouraged to seek advice and assistance from the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs.
Excerpt: Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla, is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.
Excerpt: Unlike ordinary charitable contributions which are meant to be consumed, the mega-foundations of the 20th century have often given grants which cause undemocratic changes in the basic institutions of our American way of life.
Includes: Everson vs. Board of Education, McCollum vs. Board of Education, Torcaso vs. Watkins, Engel vs. Vitale, Abington vs. Schempp, Lemon vs. Kurtzman, Stone vs. Graham
Excerpt: The departure of schooling as an academic accomplishment to its current state as behavioral conditioning is traced to the German influence of Wilhelm Wundt… Wundt founded experimental psychology, and proposed that the human psyche could be measured, quantified, and scientifically demonstrated.
Excerpt: There are those today not unhappy that America does not know what it was yesterday, or where it came from, or what it has been about, as President Wilson said. Significant ground is already lost among the current generation. However, in the patriotic swell since September 11, 2001 and the “War on Terrorism,” there is opportunity to teach and recall the nation’s identity and purpose as laid down by America’s founders, but apathy and ignorance will kill liberty.
The U.S. Congress designated March 16 as Liberty Day, in recognition of the birthday of James Madison, fourth president of the United States, to celebrate the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.